Hvordan få gratis produkter til vurdering Cosmetics Saturday Surfing, January 25th, 2020

Saturday Surfing, January 25th, 2020

You’re doing alright, friend.
Happy Caturday, lady! Or, should I say, “Happy Unicornday?”

Hmm… Doesn’t flow off the tongue as readily, but I like it. ?


There are two reasons I’m into that unicorn up there at the top. 1) Its silver-haired mane gives me something to look forward to someday. (Oh, to be a silver-haired unicorn! #BIGDREAMS) and 2) because the picture is on every single card in this deck of Affirmators! (exclamation mark included!) cards I got in my stocking for Christmas.

It’s so cute! Each card has a positive saying on it, and the way it works is you shuffle the deck (unicorn side up), pull a card out, and read it, ideally out loud (it’s supposed to work better that way). and then you carry that thought with you throughout the rest of your day.

In my new morning routine, the first thing I do — instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or reading my emails on my phone — is feed my mind with these good things, and I kid you not, it sets the tone for a pretty good dag.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

This one is my favorite…

I like this one too!

OK, here’s today’s list o’ links…

If you’ve ever felt like you have to juggle 12 things at once, and it chips away at your soul because it seems impossible to find time for your favorite creative endeavors, this piece on how many women rarely have long stretches of time to focus on anything anymore might speak to you. The writer, Brigid Schulte, says: “Women’s time has been interrupted and fragmented throughout history, the rhythms of their days circumscribed by the Sisyphean tasks of housework, childcare and kin work – keeping family and community ties strong. If what it takes to create are long stretches of uninterrupted, concentrated time, time you can choose to do with as you will, time that you can control, that’s something women have never had the luxury to expect, at least not without getting slammed for unseemly selfishness.”

I’m loving this range of stylish feline furniture, but let’s get real… Rosie would opt for an empty Amazon cardboard box over a cat-sized platform bed (with a mattress and bed sheets and EVERYTHING!) any old day.

Say “I love you” to yourself this Valentine’s Day with a unique gift from the El Paso Zoo. They’ll name a cockroach after your ex, then feed it to a meerkat live on camera. ?

The abundance of hydrangeas on the Azores is outstanding! The archipelago, located in the mid-Atlantic, has a delicate, narrow weather pattern, which allows these flowers to blanket the islands with blue and purple blossoms.

Got littles? This shower attachment made for young children softens the flow of water and sets it at the perfect height for little ones.

The Last Manilaners is a new documentary about the last living Jewish refugees who fled to the Philippines to escape the Holocaust. Locals welcomed the refugees with open arms and protected them when world war II reached Philippine shores.

For my Bay area babes, FYI: Market street in San Francisco is going automobile free next week. as of Wednesday, January 29, private vehicles will no longer be allowed to travel from near Van Ness Avenue all the way to the waterfront. ?

For anyone who needs this today

I do this a few times a week… good stuff!

Somebody make this soup for me please.

Isn’t she lovely?

It’s Charlotte, dahlings.

I’m on my way outside with Connor to catch some rays before the rain returns. Connor’s learning how to ride a bike (with training wheels), so we’re going to do about 300 loops around the circle.

It’s my cardio for the day!


Ha en fantastisk helg. Ser deg snart. ?

Din vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,


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